Sunday, March 28, 2010

my first say...

Hello everyone, good evening. Finally i made a new blog. Well today i am feeling extremely tired, exhausted and decibated. Completely into saturation. Well it has been 2months since i havent taken a single break. Havent got a sound sleep for the past 2months. Feeling totally drowned yaar.

Well my b'day was absolutely 'normal' like any other day. Deliberately so. Turning a year older seems to be quite normal. Looking at the year that went by, I do not know how to tag it. Perhaps, it was the year of discovery. Rather, self-discovery. One of the key things I have started to realize is that I really do not have any passions, so to say. If you asked me a year back, I would have said I am passionate about Orkut, or Entertainment world, or any other materialistic thing. Now, it may not be the case. All these and even the other stuff feels 'normal' and 'ordinary'. Good for me, me thinks.

What I have also realized is I am extremely fortunate to have some awesome people around me. My dad, my guide. Professors like NK sir, Harish sir and Hariharan sir, my light. KC, my key to every doubt. My frnds and family membrs. and even my "foes" to an extent. The value that they add to me is amazing. This has been surely a year of true learning owing to interactions I have had with them at various points.

Also the time spent in lectures these days keeps my mind steady. Learning a concept from a class faculty brings the world outside the concept to a stand still. While in lecture, i can't think of anything else- my dress code, health issues (after sitting at place for around 8 hrs), other trivial matters that would otherwise be plaguing my mind. Nothing. Its an awesome perquisite of learning.

Things that I have discovered and realized over the last many months are quite contrary to my 'older' self. Moreover, I am loving the transition, if I could use that term. I think I have found my footing in the world. I know what my stance must be, talking like a batsman! I am at peace with myself.

I have started getting answers to questions that my paa always asks me to ask oneself- "who am I? why am I born? what I owe to this society?" among the few to list down. The confusing noise inside me is surely and gradually dying down and I am letting myself just be me. All these things and a whole lot of related materalistic aspects of the world seems like a big, worthless zilch to me.

So here's to another year of discovery and realizations. A year ahead towards MY LIFE. Let more and more of LIFE come to me!

By the way, I completed 18 years of my physical existence yesterday!

P.S. It is somewhat similar to Harish sir's post. I experienced the same feelings that's why improvised on it instead of going all the new way. So no plagiarism intended from my side.