Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Experiencing Life In Small Things ....

Disclaimer: What I’m writing, may not go down too well with few people [or rather most people]. They may feel that I have turned into a somewhat clone of KJo, but I sincerely don’t care. So if any time you feel that you are getting bored while reading this post, you may quit. I won’t have any bad feelings for you.

I wish to pin-point towards very little, though very heart-warming, trivial matters of our every-day life. I don’t know whether everyone of you had gone through it or not at some point of time in your life, but I guess yes everyone feels the same. It’s about feeling ‘white’ for something at one point of time and feeling ‘black’ for the same thing at other. How many times we might have seen our parents telling us not to do certain things. For e.g. they may say don’t practice the habit of night-out with friends. The very moment you hear such kinds of preaching, your first expression is ‘dude! These oldies toh don’t understand us et al’. But looking at the same thing, sometimes later, when we are bit more experienced and more grown-ups and bruised with the outer world, we feel how right our parents were. If not for their continuous watch over us and our deeds, we would have been much more ruined than what we actually are.

Many a times, I too feel that my mom and dad are over-protective. And like most of us, I too don’t like this. But I realised something last Thursday. I was down with severe abdominal pain. The moment my dad came to know about it, he left his office and came back home as mom is also not there with me right now. I was bed-ridden for whole day. I was crying with pain. My dad had always carried this ‘strict’ and ‘strong’ guy image. But I could sense his emotions at that time. He spoke to almost every doctor he knows about [here I would like to mention that his cell carries details of some 300 odd doctors at a go]. From the outer shell, he is strong but inside he is very lovable guy, quite child-like personality. He was running here and there, getting me medicines and doing all that they call as ‘teemaardaari’ [looking after] in urdu. So, my outlook towards him has changed by every bit after this incident.

And for my mom, no matter how much she may oppose me every-time, but when it happens that my dad scolds me, she takes my side even if it’s actually for my mistake. I remember, my dad never physically abused my too much. It may be because it was fear of his eyes in my head or may be my mom always took me under her hid when I was about to get beaten-up. [on a funny side, whenever I got beaten up, it was so severe that I would pee in my pants i.e. with belts and shoes]. Now I may find it funny, but somewhere this has gone a long way to make me more mannered and well-behaved than I would have been. I also carry a huge influence of my grand-parents. I consider myself very lucky that I got to see both my maternal and paternal grand-parents. I still take their blessings before doing anything.

So the basic purpose of mine behind writing all these things is to simply put that don’t jump to conclusion about anything and anyone at the word ‘go’. Earlier, I used to feel that they are wrong for me and I’m wrong for them. But now I feel how correct they were and how foolish I was. It’s experience that speaks volume. And it takes lot to gather experience. And if not for any other thing, they have some 29 odd years’ experience as compared to me. So to end it, I would say, love your parents, at-least to reciprocate their self-less love and always respect them. Never dishearten them in any damn way. Do let me know whether you had any such feelings with your life as well.

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